4K 2018年 iMapp Bucharest 布加勒斯特灯光节 3D mapping 参赛作品
iMapp Bucharest is one of the largest 3D video mapping competitions in the world that brings design, contemporary art and show directly on the 23,000 square meter façade of the Parliament Palace (the second largest administrative building in the world). Throughout five editions, the festival brought together audiences of over 300,000 spectators and has become a reference subject for international audiovisual industry specialists.
1、年费VIP(年度内更新的所有产品) 248.8元
2、现有资源合集VIP(以后更新产品半价送4T硬盘) 1988.8元
3、终身VIP(所有产品免费更新送4T硬盘) 2998.8